







The Finest Nanoparticle Silver & Colloidal Metal Products

Purest Colloids’ mission is to produce the finest nanoparticle products which provide the highest level of effectiveness, whether through nano silver or other nano metals. In addition to our MesoColloid™ flagship product, MesoSilver® brand nanoparticle silver, we offer superior metal nanoparticle products for use as dietary supplements. Our Mesocolloids provide the body with minerals to maintain optimum health. Maximizing the nanometer-sized particles’ particle surface area keeps our products at the forefront of quality and effectiveness.

Our products, including nanoparticle silver and gold, have many other uses and have been used to manufacture photographic films, cosmetics, preservatives, antibacterial coatings, and dietary supplements.

Our Mesocolloids product include MesoSilver®, MesoGold® ,MesoCopper®, MesoPlatinum®, MesoPalladium™, MesoIridium™, MesoSilica™, and MesoZinc™. Their function is to provide minerals in trace amounts which our bodies can use to maintain a robust immune system for optimum health. Read more about nanoparticle silver effectiveness in the learning center.

MesoSilver | Meso Colloids Products

Want to learn more about Meso Colloids?

History of Silver and
Nanoparticle Silver

For thousands of years silver has been used as a healing agent by civilizations throughout the world. Its medical, preservative, and restorative powers can be traced as far as the ancient Greek and Roman Empires.

Uses for Nanoparticle Silver
and Colloidal Metals

While we make no health claims about the use or effectiveness of silver colloidal or our product line, our customers have found nanoparticle silver and many of our other products helpful in a wide variety of applications.

What are Mesocolloids?

Mesocolloids consist of pure elemental metal nanoparticles dispersed in ultra-pure deionized water. The smallest-sized nanoparticles are called mesoparticles. Mesoparticles are microscopic particles whose size is more significant than an atom but smaller than conventional small particles. Size ranges from sub-nanometer to 10 nanometers in diameter, typically consisting of 10 – 30,000 atoms per particle.

These products consisting of mesoparticles have a particle surface area that is many times greater than particles produced by other methods and are called mesocolloids.

Mesocolloids combine small particle size and high concentrations of particles.

MesoColloid is a trademarked name that refers to an entire group of metal products that are produced using the mesoprocess. The term mesocolloid was coined by the scientists at the Colloidal Science Labs, who developed the method of producing products consisting of mesoparticles.

Our Meso-World Visualization Tool shows the relative size of the nanoparticle silver particles in Mesosilver

Nanoparticle effectiveness is determined by particle surface area

Compared to nanoparticle products produced by other methods, Mesocolloids have the highest particle surface area because of the combination of small particle size and high concentration of particles. See the Comparison Table for comparative examples of nanoparticle silver products. Mesocolloids are characterized by the small size of the mesoparticles that constitute the product and the high percentage of particles vs ions.

MesoColloids have the highest particle surface area​

The particle surface area increases as the particle size decreases for a constant concentration of metal nanoparticles. In the chemical world, reactivity increases with increasing surface area. Therefore, the effectiveness of nanoparticle solutions increases with decreasing particle size as the particle surface area increases. For this reason, particle surface area serves as a metric for comparing nanoparticle solutions. In metal nanoparticles, the increase in reactivity that derives from the increased particle surface area translates directly to the effectiveness of the colloid. Surface area is expressed in square centimeters (cm2) per milliliter (mL) of nanoparticle solution and is written as (cm2/mL).

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