The Blue Man Fraud

By now nearly everyone has seen the story about Paul Karason who the news media has dubbed “The Blue Man” or just the “man who turned blue”. Although the news media has continually said that he was taking nanoparticle silver, which may have caused silver poisoning, nothing could be further from the truth. The Blue Man story became a major media disinformation event which was produced by a public relations firm and paid for by a pharmaceutical interest. The purpose of this campaign was to scare the public away from using nanoparticle silver products by creating a fictitious “blue man syndrome”. The tactic was to claim that the Blue Man’s condition was caused by his use of nanoparticle silver thus implying that anyone who uses nanoparticle silver would suffer a similar fate and become themselves a “blue person”. The entire story as presented is a study in blatant misrepresentation and tries to obscure any benefits of drinking silver.

The fact is that Paul has a condition called argyria that turns the skin a blue-gray color. He got this condition by taking his homemade silver compound that was mostly a highly concentrated ionic silver solution. When he prepared the solution, he believed he was making nanoparticle silver. He was not making nanoparticle silver. To make the solution even more dangerous, he added salt to the brew and then used electrolysis to make a high concentration of silver chloride with large particles which is well known to cause argyria. Nanoparticle silver cannot be made at home and would not have caused a condition like this.

He further applied the compound to his skin causing him to become an internal and external photographic plate. To finish himself off, he used a tanning bed to “fix” the silver in his body. The moral of the story is to know the difference between true nanoparticle silver and ionic silver or silver proteins, and don’t try to make either at home!

Paul Karason – Man Who Turned Blue by Drinking Silver He Made in His Home